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How do I purchase a Jalerran Siberian Husky?

If you would like to begin the application process, please read through the purchasing policies below, and then contact us via email or phone:

Our Contact Page:  CLICK HERE


We strive to produce puppies of exceptional quality. Our dogs are registered with the AKC, and we follow a very selective breeding program that emphasizes health, temperament, and that order.

1. Prospective owners must be educated about the breed characteristics.

2. Purchasers must be willing to adhere to our purchasing policies (outlined on the contract) and online.

3. Pets must be spayed/neutered.

4. If you can no longer keep your pet, and don't have a friend or family member who can provide a home, he/she should be returned to us.

5. Purchasers must be willing to update us at least once yearly on the dog's health and behavior.  

Deposits and Prices

Most people send us a deposit because they have met our dogs and are impressed with the 5 year health guarantee. In order to hold a place in the order of puppy picks, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is required. It is applied towards the purchase price of $1000 (for pets), and the remaining balance is then $900.

We send out puppy pictures via email, generally on a weekly basis. The photos are not meant to serve as a means for you to select a puppy. Puppies are evaluated for show potential around 8 weeks of age. Some puppies will remain here, and others may go to show homes. Once those placements are determined, the puppies that weren't selected for show homes will be made available to the homes seeking pets in the order that the deposits were received. However, the temperament and disposition of each puppy is considered in relation to the types of homes they may be going, as well. We have the final discretion on the puppy placements.

*Also, we request that people with high ranking deposits schedule their pick up times early, as we cannot delay letting others below on the deposit list select simply because we cannot arrange an agreeable pick up time.

We try to accommodate coat color preferences as much as possible; however, if you are offered puppies that do not suit what you are looking for, you are not required to take one at that time. You are welcome to wait for a future litter that may contain your preference. Your deposit would move up in the order once people above you had selected their puppies, but will not be refunded.

The purchase price for show puppies is $1400.

The purchase price for show puppies going overseas is $2000 US. There are a number of reasons for the price increase.  Puppies must be kept until they are old enough to past import/export requirements. They require a lot of care and socialization.  We only send first or second pick conformation prospects overseas.  No co-ownership will be involved. References will be required and checked. One half of the purchase price ($1000) is the deposit amount required to reserve a puppy.  Sorry, we do not sell pet puppies overseas.

*All shipping expenses are the responsibility of the purchaser and must be paid in advance of the flight.

Common Question:

What if I want something specific in terms of coat color and eye color?

If you will settle for nothing less than, for example, a light red, open-faced, amber-eyed female.... then don't send us a deposit. We can't guarantee that we will have a puppy that meets that description, and even if we do, if she is a show puppy, we may be keeping her. Our primary focuses when breeding a litter are the health, temperament, and conformation of our dogs. Eye and coat color are the last of our concerns. We do not begrudge anyone for having preferences – we have our own … but we cannot promise to accommodate those preferences.

So, if you are not flexible on your color or gender preferences, then you would have to wait until we have that available if you had opted to send us a deposit.

Please visit our FAQ page at left for other related questions.


Planned Litters
Deposits are currently being accepted for our upcoming litter.

Click on the picture at left for further information.

Available Puppies
Click on the link at left to find information about Available Puppies.
Inquiries Welcome!

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11484since 10/2/06