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"A good teacher is one who helps you become who you feel yourself to be. A good teacher is also one who says something that you won't understand until ten years later."
Julius Lester

"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."
Theordore Isaac Rubin

Click on Tasia's picture to go to:

Born to Run Sled Dog Club's Site




Maple Lane Siberians


Kristari Siberians


Snowborn Siberians

Click to go to QualityDogs.com


Love Siberians
Click to go to Siberian Husky Top Listed


Dancing Winds Siberians


Amaroq Siberians


Buddies Direct


Tunghats Siberians


Nariz de Nieve Siberians


More Links are available on our "Past Siberians" in the menu to the left!

11076since 10/2/06